tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 16 15:15:47 2006

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Re: Why we can use words that it'd take klingons 5 minutes to understand.

Shane MiQogh ([email protected])

>Remember ghunchu'wI''s recent comment about "the goblet containing water"? 
>That's an idiom from KGT. {bIQ ngaS HIvje'lIj}, literally "your goblet 
>contains water", means "you're entirely mistaken, you're totally wrong".
  So that's what he ment to say....
  >lughbej nuvvetlh. {qIb lengwI' tlhIngan Hol} ghItlhtaHvIS wanI'vetlh qel 
>Okrand; {no' Hol} ponglu'. ghe'naQDaq bommeyDaq latlhDaq je tlhIngan Hol 
>mu'mey mu'tlheghmey je ngo' lulo'lu'bogh 'oH {no' Hol}'e'.
>That's right. In KGT, Okrand talks about this phenomenon, which is called 
>{no' Hol} "ancestor language". {no' Hol} is basically ancient forms of 
>Klingon used in modern Klingon culture in whatever way, particularly in 
>operas and poetry.
  So why is it considered part of the reputable klingon cannon?

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