tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 01 07:31:11 2005

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Re: Miranda Warning

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

> >Don't forget the noun {DIb} "privilege, right".  Our only known example is
> >the {bortaS DIb} "Right of Vengeance" (KGT).

According to TKW (p. 121) this is a Klingon legal right.  Kor tells Worf in 
DS9 "The Sword of Kahless":  "A Klingon who denies himself the Right of 
Vengeance is no Klingon at all."

> >                                          You might preface it with
> >something like {DIbmeyvam Daghaj [net Sov]} "You have the following
> >rights".

QeS la':
>So would, say, {bItammeH DIb Daghaj} "you have the privilege of/for
>remaining silent" work?

Sure.  I don't know whether translating the idiom works in Klingon, but the 
object of {ghaj} "have, possess" can certainly be something intangible or 

   pIch vIghajbe'
   It's not my fault.  (TKD)

   De' pegh vIghaj.
   I have secret information.  (PK}

   tlham ghaj
   "have gravity" [slang for "have structure, order" (KGT 165)

   quv lughaj Archer HoD beqDaj je.
   Captain Archer and his crew are honorable people. (ENT "The Augments")

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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