tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jan 28 07:50:37 2005

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Re: Klingon WOTD: po (noun)

Steven Boozer ([email protected])

>This is the Klingon Word Of The Day for Friday, January 28, 2005.
>Category: General
>Klingon word:   po
>Part of Speech: noun
>Definition:     morning

Never used in a canonical sentence, but mentioned by Okrand in:

   {DaHjaj po} "this morning" (lit. "today morning" or "today's
   morning") ... Phrases such as {jajvam po} "this day morning"
   or "this morning" are not common, but they're not ungramma-
   tical either... {wa'leS po} "tomorrow morning", {cha'leS po}
   "the morning of the day after tomorrow" (literally "two-days-
   from-now morning"), and so on work quite nicely. [st.k 6/97]

   Another [animal which is particularly noisy at dawn], though
   not a bird, is the {Qa'}, specifically the {jajlo' Qa'} ("dawn
   {Qa'}")... Maltz said he has also heard the phrase {po Ha'DIbaH,}
   literally "morning animal", used to refer to the {'uSgheb}. He
   thinks {po Ha'DIbaH} has some sort of literary source, since it
   is used in operas and plays but not often in everyday speech.
   Maltz supposed that {po Ha'DIbaH} could refer to a {jajlo' Qa'}
   as well.  [HolQeD 10.4]

{po} was used for "a.m." on Paramount's Star Trek Klingon digital watch.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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