tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Feb 28 12:39:06 2005

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unique Klingon

bob mcfaddin ([email protected])

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I was trying to come up with a way to say "unique" in Klingon...and have had some difficulty. I decided to ask in this forum. The actual phrase I was working on is from Jimmy Buffet's book, "A Salty Piece of Land". The quote was something to do with "the aboriginal belief that..."life's adventures are the verses and choruses of your unique song, and when it is over, you are dead."

I couldn't find an appropriate Klingon word/phrase for "adventure"..which carries the necessary connotation of hazard/risk requiring boldness. I opted for - yInwIj ta'mey - (accomplishments of your life), as in 

-  SoHvaD neH bom mu'mey chaH yInwIj ta'mey. taHbe'DI' bomlIj vaj vIHeghta'. - (using the neH adverbial to modify the noun SoHvaD, so as to say "The accomplishments of your life are words of a song only for you. When your song ceases to endure, then you are dead.

I'm soliciting both advice on better ways to say this, and for ways to say "unique". Any and all help of a constructive nature is appreciated. 


jajvam lururbogh jajmey'e' lutu'lu' muja'ta' SoSoywI'

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