tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Feb 20 14:45:51 2005

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comparison comparison

MorphemeAddict ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol taghwI']

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Here is a Terran analog (prototype?) of the type of comparison which Klingon 

"Comparison in Papua New Guinea is not expressed within a single sentence, 
but by a pair of sentences within a paragraph.  It is, furthermore, really not 
comparison, but contrast.  In Safeyoka (a dialect of Wojokeso), for example, we 
find pairs of sentences such as 'The black man's boats are small.  The white 
man's boats are huge'.  There is no direct way of saying 'The black man's 
boats are smaller than the white man's boats' or 'The white man's boats are bigger 
than the black man's'." ["Semantics: Primes and Universals", Anna Wierzbicka, 
p. 55 (quoting Longacre's description of Papua New Guinea languages)].

lay'tel SIvten

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