tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 25 17:58:22 2004

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[tlhIngan-Hol] Official Code for tlhIngan Hol: tlh

Mark E. Shoulson ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

Well, it's been some months in the works, but we finally now have 
official word: tlhIngan Hol has been granted a code in ISO 639-2.  
That's the standard that specifies 3-letter abbreviations for languages, 
for use in computers and other information processing.  (English is 
"eng", etc.  English is also "en", but that's a 2-letter code, and those 
are ISO 639-1, and we're not getting one of those).  So it is legal now 
to tag your websites as being in Klingon with language="tlh" tags, and 
so forth.

The web site of the maintaining body of ISO 639-2 is at (the Library of Congress).

So, congratulations to us and all...


SEI: DaH Hol ngoq ghaj tlhIngan Hol

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