tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 25 08:05:13 2004

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Star Trek: Customizable Card Game (-lu' + -laH + noun-noun)

De'vID jonwI' ([email protected])

I've hit upon a little snag trying to translate the phrase
"Star Trek: Customizable Card Game".  I've got <Hov leng>,
<nav let> and <Quj>, but I'm stuck on "customizable".

For starters, I tried <wIvlu'bogh> "which one chooses/selects".
But this is "customiz-ed", not "customiz-able".  I want to
stick a <-laH> on to <wIv>, but since <-lu'> is there, I
change this to <nav let wIvlaHbogh vay'> "cards which one
can choose".  Now the whole expression is <Hov leng: nav let
wIvlaHbogh vay' Quj>.  But this can also be read to mean
"cards which someone's game can choose".  Okay, so the "right"
choice among the ambiguous choices is obvious, but can anyone
see a better way to express this?

As a related question, how would one say "Kahless the
Unforgettable's sword" (I mean besides <betleH> or <batlh
'etlh>)?  <qeylIS'e' lIjlaHbe'bogh vay' yan> can also be
interpreted as "Kahless whom someone's sword cannot forget" --
which might in some bizarre way be a valid Klingon
interpretation. :)

Does this bother anyone else, or am I mulling over a non-problem?

Incidentally the cards that I wanted to describe may be viewed
at the following URL.  They contain some info that might be
of interest to Klingonists, though they don't reveal anything
new about tlhIngan Hol that we don't already know.  (One card
gives the name of Chang's ship as Klaw'Diyus, and the "To Be
or Not To Be" quotes from Hamlet.)


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