tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 14 01:00:27 2004

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Weird grammar in CK (was Re: Klingon WOTD: nobHa' (v))

QeS lagh ([email protected])

ghItlhpu' voragh:

>qIp'egh nachDu'chaj tlhIngan SuvwI'pu'
>    Klingon warriors are butting heads.   CK

>"This sentence really doesn't make much sense to me. I think it's supposed
>to be {qIp'egh tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' nachDu'}. However, perhaps Okrand has
>some weird sort of grammar in mind..." (SuStel)

pab taQ 'oHbej. nuq DaHar SoH, SuStel? mu'tlheghvam vIyajlaHchu'be'. qech 
'oSbogh vIyaj 'e' vIHar, 'ach pab vIpojlaHbe'. {qIpchuq} vIpIH; {qIp'egh} 
vIpIHbe'. vanglaw'mo' vangwI' law' DuH mu'tlheghvam. 'ach wa' qech 'oS 
{-chuq}; qech pIm 'oS {-'egh}. {maqIp'egh} {maqIpchuq} pImchu' net Sov.

Indeed. SuStel, since you were the one who wrote this comment, what do you 
make of this sentence? I can't make any sense of it as it stands: for a 
start, I would have expected {qIpchuq}. With a plural subject, anything's 
possible, I guess. But to me plural subject + {-'egh} signifies that a whole 
bunch of things are doing something to themselves. For instance {maqIp'egh} 
"we hit ourselves" (masochists, maybe) is different to {maqIpchuq} "we hit 
each other".

mu'tlheghvam vIlaDtaHvIS, yabwIjvaD taQqu'choH. {tuj poH ram wanI' najlu'} 
vImughtaHvIS mu'tlhegh mIwvam vIlo'laH. Qapchu' <iambic pentameter> 

The more I look at this, the weirder it seems, and to be honest, a construct 
like this could have come in useful a couple of times in translating 
Midsummer Night's Dream. It works with iambic pentameter like a charm. Just 
as an example:

{qIp'eghba' nachDu'chaj nov DaneH} (stress HLHLHLHLH)
You want the aliens to butt heads

as opposed to

{qIp'eghba' nov nachDu' DaneH} (stress HLHHLHLH)

mu'tlhegh chovnatlhvam vIchoHmeH {-pu'} vIlo'laH 'e' vISovchu'. 'ach qIt'a' 
mu'tlheghvam? pagh taQmo' pab vIwoDnIS'a'?

I know that this particular example could be easily fixed with the addition 
of {-pu'}. But is it possible to get away with this, or would it be wise to 
just leave it alone like the headless relatives? :D


QeS lagh

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