tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 11 08:13:48 2003

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Re: How to convert a noun to a verb???

Lieven (Quvar valer) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 11.09.2003 13:57:21, schrieb "Kristian Tingler" <[email protected]>:

>Hi, I want to learn the klingon language.

Greetings, and welcome to the list, Kristian!
   My Name is Quvar, I am the current Beginners' Grammarian, my job here is to help out newcomers 
and beginners in learning Klingon.  I correct grammar and provide advice for those trying to learn 
Klingon. If you put KLBC at the beginning of the subject line of a message, it marks it as a beginner 
level topic. This may be a question for me, or just conversation with other beginners in general. KLBC 
is not limited onto to participation by beginners, though! Anyone may contribute. The rule here is that 
the first person allowed to discuss the grammar of a KLBC post is the BG (me). Once I've gotten 
through with it, if there are any corrections or additions you think of, go ahead and post. This system 
keeps the beginner's confusion down to a minimum. If possible, you should also include what you 
were trying to say, in English. This will make it easier for me to make sure that you say what you are 
trying to say.

The three most important web sites to be aware of, if you are not already:

The Klingon Language Institute:

This list's FAQ:

The recently set up Klingon WikiWikiWeb:

The FAQ will certainly answer many of your first questions, and it provides information about how 
you can learn Klingon and use this mailing list, and the KLBC.  

What language resources do you have already? Have you been thinking about a Klingon name yet? 
Where are you from?

>And my question is:
>How can I convert a noun to a verb?
I don't know of any trick to do this. But it's not always necessary, or even not possible. In this case, we 
need to recast, find another way to say this.

>is >bang<. But it is a noun. Can I use a noun in
>the same way like a verb, 

No, definitely not. Some words are both verb and noun (as in english "love"), but this is not always 
the case (like in english "drink a drink" but "eat food", although in german you can "Essen essen").

>into a verb? I mean, can I only say: >qabang<,
>to say >I love you<?

You can use another verb, maybe, "dislike" {par} to say "I do un-dislike you" {qaparHa'}. I prefer to 
say {bangwI' SoH} "you are my love, my loved one"

Feel free to ask more questions!

Beginners' Grammarian
  ghojwI'pu'wI' vISaH

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