tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 25 14:14:35 2003

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Re: Tao Te Ching Chp. 39

ja' 'ISqu':
>wa' Dol Dotlh chavDI'...
>Having achieved unity,...

pujlaw' <Dotlh>.  chay' qech vIDellaH jIH?

<naQ> yIqel.

  naQchoH Dochmeyvam, QuptaHvIS qo'.
  naQchoHDI' chal, HuvchoH.
  naQchoHDI' chavDI' tera' ngaDmoH...

'ach <naQ> wIvlu'chugh, pupHa'law' mu'tlheghmvam:

>If heaven had not become clear it would likely split open.
>HuvchoHpu'be'chugh chal ghaytan naQHa'choH.

vIDubmeH, naDev Qap'a' <tay'>?

  HuvchoHpu'be'chugh chal ghaytan tay'Ha'choH.

toH, chaq <tay'> QaQ law' <naQ> QaQ puS:

  tay'eghmoH Dochmeyvam, QuptaHvIS qo'.
  tay'eghmoHDI' chal, HuvchoH...

'ach chaq <wa' Dol Dotlh> DamaSchu'.  law' DuHmey.

>vaj <tuq HutlhwI'>, <mobwI'>, <tu'HomI'raH> je
>bIH ta' joH je permey'e'
>That is why "orphans", "lonely" and "worthless"
>    are the names kings and lords use for themselves.

The Klingon lacks the "for themselves" idea, which I think is an important
one in this passage.

  per'eghmeH ta' joH je, vaj chaHvaD
  <tuq HutlhwI'> <mobwI'> <tu'HomI'raH> je pong.

>Separ boch rur chaH neHbe' .
>They don't wish to glitter like gemstones.

qatlh potlh <Separ>?  yapbe''a' <naghboch>?

-- ghunchu'wI'

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