tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue May 20 04:40:07 2003

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Re: JangmeH toch De'wI' lo'

ghItlh Klingon Emperor:

: I haven't seen any sentence, written by Okrand or  otherwise, that are not 
translated in
: present/future tense when lacking -pu', -taH', or -ta'.

mu'tlheghmeyvam tIqel. tlhIngan Hol HaDwI'vaD lI':
[Consider the following sentences. The are useful for the students of 

--> Time reference indicated by time stamps
    (no suffixes used):

   "Yesterday I was hungry."
   {wa'Hu' jIghung.}   (CK)

   "Today I am thirsty."
   {DaHjaj jI'oj.}   (CK)

   "Tomorrow I'll be tired."
    {wa'leS jIDoy'.}   (CK)

--> Future time reference indicated by the
    situational context:

   "If we get lucky, one will get angry."
   {maDo'chugh QeHchoH wa'.}   (CK)

--> No {-taH} used to conveyed the idea expressed
   in English by the so-called present continuous tense:

   "You are eating serpent worms."
   {qagh DaSop.}   (CK)

   "The serpent worms are moving."
   {vIH qagh.}    (CK)

   "That ship is tracking us."
   {nughoch Dujvetlh.}   (PK)

ghItlh Klingon Emperor:

: Klingons are blunt, to the point, and quick.


>They don't have time to add the "fill-in" words ...


: They don't have time to add the "fill-in" words like DaH, DaHjaj, or other 

Dap 'oHbe' mu'meyvam'e'. pIj potlhqu'. yIqel:
[But these are not "crap" words. They can be bery important. Consider:]

Situation 1:    ra' la'. jatlh:

   DaH qama' yIHoH.
   [Kill the prisoner now]

Situation 2:    ra' la'. jatlh:

   wa'leS qama' yIHoH.
   [Kill the prisoner tomorrow]

ghItlh je Klingon Emperor:

: My mother and father started speaking Klingon to me   when I was about 
twelve, ...


: ...and every time they used these suffixes (when I could   pick them out 
as they spoke)
: I thought they indicated  when something happened.

chaq chaH DayajHa'.
chaq ta' Hol lujatlhbe' SoSlI' vavlI' je.
(We know from the KGT that there are many dialects of Klingon. {{;-) )

Obviously, being a Klingon Emperor, you can set your own standards {{;-) but 
why not listen to some speakers of the current ta' Hol. Come to a qepHom, or 
even better: attend this year's qep'a'!
qepHom yIghoS! qep'a' yIghoS!


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