tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Jul 27 18:28:03 2003

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KLBC: The years sometimes teach us what the days never know.

A friend and I email each other when we think we've found a bit of 
wisdom. {Sov'a'}? or maybe {Sovna'}?

The lastest is, "The years sometimes teach us what the days never know."

It sounded a bit Klingon in tone, something that an {'utlh} might pass 
on to a favored {yaS}.

I translated it thus:
{not Dochmey Sovbogh jajmey 'e' rut nughojmoH DISmey}

Literally, "Those things which days never know, sometimes years teach us."

But it doesn't look right to me.

1. Maybe {'e'} shouldn't be a pronoun. Instead, make it a marker on 

2. If the pronoun {'e'} is proper, would this change the second clause 
to {'e' rut maHvaD ghojmoH DISmey} ?

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