tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 23 15:35:57 2003

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Re: Duytvoqtah - hui wat fuern tach!

Voragh wrote:

>Of course, you 
>know that {poH} does not mean the abstract concept of time, or time in 
>general, but merely a period of time.  (But it's the closest we have and, 
>as you say, it's just a song.)

Yes, indeed. I think there is not that many people who will notice this kind of "mistake". 
Question: what does the verb {poH} "time" mean?

>but your version {yabmo'} "because of the mind/intellect" works too if you 
>want to keep the /mo-/ sound:
>   yabmo' SaHtaH

I think the closest to the original is a mix of the above:
   {yabmo' SaH poH}
   "because of the mind, time is present"

The image is a bit different, but the idea is the same.

The author would like to keep at least the refrain [is this english? or is 'chorus' better?] as it was in 
the first version -- maybe he likes the sound of it, or because the song is "known" like this...

>   "The verb {Dach} literally means 'be absent', but when applied to a person
>    'absent-minded', which involves forgetfulness. Rather, it means that the

The verb for "absent-minded" is {jeH}

  ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH.

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