tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 16 09:14:46 2003

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Re: Klingon Postal Course

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lawrence Schoen" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2003 9:37 AM
Subject: Klingon Postal Course

> Try re-sending your last email to [email protected] again. It should
> now be routed to someone who will respond in short order.
> Lawrence
Speaking of the postal course, where are lessons 7-11?

When I started taking the postal course, I received prompt responses from
(This was months ago, so I'm not attempting to invalidate what you have to
say, Tree.
I am simply reporting a positive experience.)
However, when I got through the 6th lesson, I was looking for the 7th.
Alan told me to let Mr Schoen know of my concerns.

I haven't. (Likely out of sheer laziness.)

But, it seems that much got out into the open with recent threads.

So, in the spirit of DOING something, instead of simply lamenting our small
numbers, I would like to volunteer to help with whatever work the postal
course might need.

I feel the postal course is a kind of "gateway", (it's one of the first
things I did) and gives the Institute a chance at a good first impression,
and as such should be well-maintained.

Stuff I can do:
I have Acrobat 5.0, so I can convert the current text to a pdf.
I can grade the exams. (If it is felt I've enough competency to do so.)
If you come up with a new lesson, change the old one, etc., and need a
complete idiot to test it on, I'm happily here. }}: )
In short, I can do whatever needs to be done and whatever it is felt I am
capable of doing.

HovpoH juHDaq:
HovpoH 700292.5

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