tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 15 17:26:04 2003

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Re: In Re "Expansion"...

>  As a further idea (he says with the radio on full-blast), why have I not
> heard of any tlhIngan muchwI'pu'? I'd like to see a band or even a
> compilation album that focused on contemporary musical styles, with
> tlhIngan lyrics.

Well, Krankor, of course, has been churning out his Klingon songs and
recordings thereof, including the famed singing of Klingon barbershop
quartet by the "matlh juppu'"

There was a record by a group called "Degh" called "Tek for Trek" that had
songs with Klingon lyrics.  The grammar wasn't good, but you can tell that
they were trying to do it right.  A composer named William Sethares wrote
to me a year or two ago, about a piece he'd written called "rojqoq"; you
can hear it at I believe.
I was going to work with him on some more musings on Klingon harmonics.
Maybe I'll write back to him.  There was an opera being worked on by David
Barron and Tom Twohy, but that was years ago and I have not heard anything
about it since.  And of course there are always the impromptu (not always)
performances at each qep'a', at the Cabaret.

And for purely written music, there are the various parodies and
translations... Björn Öqvist has a collection of many of these, at his site

So, yeah, there has certainly been some Klingon sung!


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