tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 12 09:03:56 2003

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Re: Klingon - Terminology Databases (IMHO)

>Does anyone else out there feel that Klingon should be made "Open Source" 
and >open 
>to a regulatory body such as the KLI to develop further, or do you all think 
that any 
>developments should only come from Mark Okrand?

I agree that tlhIngan Hol should be a growing language and at times, the 
language should change to monitor the changing of times.  In any language, the 
vocabulary, meanings and even syntax changes with each new generation.  Why 
should tlhIngan Hol be any different?  Further, we should begin at some point to 
move away from Mark Okrand being the supreme authority on everything tlhIngan 
Hol.  After all, there will be a day when Okrand go on to fight battles along 
side his honored ancestors.  Where will we be then?  As a child is weaned off of 
mothers' milk, so we should be weaned off of Okrand.  The community should 
become the authority on the changes made to the language on consensus; to 
include new vocabulary, and even the syntax used when constructing sentences and 
words with prefixes and suffixes.  That is the only way the language will ever 
survive.  IMHO, like he said.
-veS joH

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