tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jul 09 09:02:45 2003

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Re: yu' jIghaj...

> Thus, Federation Standard is certainly English.  However, since 
> /DIvI' Hol/
> means "Federation language," one might question whether /DIvI' Hol/ 
> actually
> *means* "Federation Standard."  Okrand tells us it does, so we must 
> accept
> that.
true, but from the Klingon perspective, they see the Federation use it,
and really care nothing about it's past or evolution, so whether that's
what the feddies call it or not, that's why the klingons refer to it as
"federation's language", or however you wanna directly translate it.

> Why not *Germany* Hol ("language of 
> Germany")?

*Germany Hol* would be tantamount to *romuluS Hol* or *tera' Hol*, but
(to my limited knowledge) the only such constructions have been shown as
*romuluSngan Hol* or *tlhIngnan Hol*. Take into consideration, however,
that usually when we talk about a language, we either choose to say it's
the language of a certain people, or that it's the language from a
certain place, so I leave it to the experts to decide whether
constructions such as <*germany* Hol> or <*german* Hol> are more correct.

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