tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jul 05 08:54:09 2003

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RE: Tao Te Ching Chp. 51

ja' 'ISqu':
>bIH chenmoH 'u' Hap.
>Material world gives them form.

The Klingon would suggest "world's material" in the English translation.
Conversely, the English would be better matched by {Hap 'u'} in Klingon.

>bIH SachmoH 'ach bIH ghatlhbe'.
>It makes them grow but does not dominate them.

Consider {rach} instead of {SachmoH}?

>ghob pegh [A] 'oH ghobvam'e'.
>This is the secret virtue.
>[A]: {ghob pegh} could be ambiguous between "the secret virtue" and "the
>secret of virtue" but my impression is that the context makes it clear that
>the sentence is about virtue and not about a secret. If this impression is
>wrong, and the ambiguity remains unresolved, perhaps it's just as well.

If you do want to resolve it, try {ghob peghlu'bogh}.

-- ghunchu'wI'

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