tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jul 01 23:53:51 2003

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Re: -Daq?

I'm confused, SuStel...
I'm not sure if you answered my question or not...
I want to know how to say the phrase, " Klingon."  I now know that I can't say, /tlhIngan HolDaq/.  In some sentences, the phrase " Klingon" is necessary, and I don't think that merely putting /tlhIngan Hol/ is sufficient for those certain sentences.  So what do you think?  Translate this for me:  "In Klingon, /Doch/ represents 'thing'."  Also translate this for me:  "In English, /Hol/ represents 'language'."  The phrases, "In Klingon" and "In English" are what I'm stuck on.  Thanks!

David Trimboli <[email protected]> wrote:
>From: Klingon Warrior 
>How would I say something like, "yada yada yada means yada yada yada in 
>Klingon," or " English?" The part I'm stuck on is the "...IN..." 
>part. I always used the suffix -Daq, but now that I know better, I'm lost. 
> I understand that to say, "Speak in Klingon" can be phrased, "tlhIngan 
>Hol yIjatlh," but when the, "in Klingon," phrase IS necessary, what should 
>I do? Thanks!

There are several ways you might consider.

chay' jatlh tlhIngan "yadda yadda yadda"?

(Only a pedant will take that too literally. You are free to attack such 
people at your convenience.)

tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhDI' chay' Dochvam vIjatlh: yadda yadda yadda?

tlhIngan Hol'e' chay' Dochvam jatlhlu': yadda yadda?
("As for Klingon, how does one say yadda yadda?")

yadda yadda. yImugh!

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Klingon Warrior
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