tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Dec 11 09:46:11 2003

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Re: angle

Steven Boozer ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

Quvar 'utlh asks:

>Is {tajvaj} that "angle" that we cannot have three 90 degree angles in a 

That's the one.

>I was wondering, when or how is it used??

Here's what I have in my notes:

   The attitude of a plane is its orientation relative to something, such
   as the {ghangwI'} "horizon". ... The attitude of an aircraft is often
   talked about in terms of angles.  The word for "angle" is {tajvaj}.
   Klingon {taH} means "be at a negative angle". [HolQeD 11.2]

Cf. also the verb {lol} "be in an attitude".

Maltz/Okrand created the word for new {matlh jupwI'} - and licensed pilot - 
Qov, who asked:

   The word I am looking for is probably something like "be in an attitude",
   "hold [an aircraft] in an attitude", "be at an angle with respect to" or
   "be tilted in the direction of", or it may be "axis" or "horizon", or
   something entirely different. (Qov, ML, 7/12/02)

We're not sure how {tajvaj} is actually used, since Okrand failed to use it 
in a sentence.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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