tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 26 13:52:43 2003

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Dumb Question -- Emphasis

...Paul ([email protected]) [KLI Member]

Okay, two dumb questions...  How do I say "Dumb Question", and then my
main question, how would I emphasize, I guess, pronouns?

Case in point, here at work, someone said, "Thanks" and I turned around
and said, "No, thank *YOU*".  How would I convey that in Klingon?
Admittedly this is a little silly, it's a question of verbal emphasis.
But I think there can be some syntactical sugar there...

qatlho'  "I thank you"
SoH qatlho'  "I thank *you*"  ?
SoH'e' qatlho'  "I thank YOU!"  ?

Is that last one even legit?

jatlh tlhIngan wa', "qatlho'"
jatlh tlhIngan cha', "ghobe', SoH'e' qatlho'!"


On a semi-related note, how would one produce emphasis in text?  In
English, we tend to do things like capitalize WHAT we want to emphasize,
or maybe we put *asterisks* around it...  The former isn't a good idea
for tlhIngan Hol, since capitalization is somewhat important.  The latter
is possible, I suppose, but I think an asterisk normally indicates
"wrong" or "questionable" bits, which isn't what we want.

qoj QoghIjwIj mIQlu'pu'...

Or maybe my brain is just fried...


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       "In the end, everything is a gag." -- Charlie Chaplin

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