tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 17 05:36:39 2003

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Re: no matter what happens...

Lieven (Quvar valer) ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

Am 16.08.2003 15:51:22, schrieb Hakuohalakahiki etc. etc....

>note:  It is almost constantly raining on the Ferengie Homeworld;

bIlugh. You're right.
The ferengie language has almost two hundred different words to describe rain.
cha'vatlh SIS Delbogh mu'mey'e' ngaS verengan Hol.

>I Ferengie would never say, "but it's raining...".  But you might here, hear

>verengDaq Hochlogh vISpu'.  jatlhbe' verengan:
><'ach 'oH vIStaH>....

{SIS} is rain, not {-vIS}
And I would say that it's really "always continuously raining", and not "all the times":

   {*verenginar*Daq reH SIStaH}

{'ach 'oH vIStaH}
"but he continuously vIS-es it"
When the pronoun precedes a verb, then it works as the object: {'oH legh} "he sees it"

It's raining would simply be {SIS} "it rains" or {SIS muD} "the weather/atmosphere rains".

Beginners' Grammarian
  ghojwI'pu'wI' vISaH

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