tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 08 14:10:38 2003

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RE: pIqaD..

Heather Myers ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol ghojwI']

>ja' Kash:
>Anyhow, bottom line: what's the easiest, quickest, or most thorough way
>to learn pIqaD?

I learned a little pIqaD over the years just by using it in signs I put
on stuff around my house, including a nice "No Smoking" sign I bought at
qep'a' cha'DIch.  But most of what I learned came when I learned to
write pIqaD (as opposed to using the font on the computer to do it) by
writing out part of the text of ghIlghameS in pIqaD.  (One of my planned
projects is to write this up in a nice blank book I've purchased for
this purpose.)  The writing system I use can be found on the Klingonska
Akademien site, on this page (
The image of the passage from ghIlghameS is about halfway down the page,
done by the translator of the work, Roger Cheesboro (DloraH).  It took
me about twenty minutes to read this passage the first time, by looking
at the chart which is above it, but when I had finished I thought to
myself, "This is Really Freakin' Cool.  I wish there were a pIqaD
version of ghIlghameS so I could read the whole thing in pIqaD!"  Well,
of course, there isn't one.  So I thought of doing it myself!  

Now I can read the pIqaD font (admittedly haltingly) and handwritten
ones that are sufficently similar.  The trouble with the handwritten
type is that there is no standard, really.  I have chosen DloraH's style
because I like it, but HolQeD Volume 2 Number 2 (June 1993) has an
article about pIqaD with examples of how one might write it.  Those
examples differ somewhat from DloraH's style.  That was the first issue
of HolQeD I owned, and the thing that got me connected with the KLI in
the first place.  Ah, yes, I am the Nostalgia Queen. :)  

Good luck with learning the pIqaD.  I hope you find it as enjoyable as I

jIqel ghojwI'
<batlh wo' yejHaD je vItoy'mo' jIHem>

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