tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 07 17:07:19 2003

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Re: KLBC: The years sometimes teach us what the days never know.

David Trimboli ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

>From: [email protected]
>The examples cited in TKD are {tIjwI'ghom vIchenmoH}, which comes from the
>intransitive verb {chen} and so is irrelevant,

Why?  If we accept

tlhIngan Hol ghoj
He learns Klingon.


*ghaHvaD tlhIngan Hol vIghojmoH
I cause him to learn Klingon.

why isn't it

chen tIjwI'ghom
The boarding party forms.

*tIjwI'ghomvaD jIchenmoH
I cause the boarding party to form.

or something like that?

>So why is the object of verb + {-moH} assumed to differ from that of plain 

You tell me.  Okrand does it all the time with verbs that do not obviously 
take an object (Say', quv, boch, etc.).  Why does the object of an 
intransitive verb change (from none to the thing taking the quality), while 
the transitive verbs don't?

I now see what you're getting at with */ghojmoH/, and I will downgrade my 
claim of "definitely correct" to "gimme a break."  Explain to me why 
intransitive verbs change objects while transitive verbs do not.

By the way, when analyzing /HIQoymoH/ "cause me to hear (something)," it is 
important to remember that verbs that could take objects but do not have one 
can be interpreted as having a general, indefinite object.  /HIQoymoH/ can 
easily be seen as /jIH HIQoymoH/ rather than /jIHvaD [vay'] yIQoymoH/ by 
recognizing that the doer of /Qoy/ is not specified as /Qoy/ing anything in 
particular (because there's no place for what he'd /Qoy/).  Thus, "Cause me 
to hear" can be interpreted as "Cause me to hear (something)," referring to 
an indefinite or general, and unstated, object.  "Cause me to do the action 
/Qoy/.  I don't care WHAT I /Qoy/, just make me /Qoy/.

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