tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 07 14:04:14 2003

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Re: KLBC: The years sometimes teach us what the days never know.

Andrew Strader ([email protected]) [KLI Member] [Hol po'wI']

qon ter'eS:
>Then along came {ghaHvaD quHDaj qawmoH}, and I really thought
>we had our answer.  Here we had a transitive verb plus {-moH},
>with an object and with a role for the noun compelled to
>act, that didn't violate any existing grammar.  The object
>of {qawmoH} was the same as one would expect for {qaw},
>agreeing with TKD.  The use of {-vaD} to mark the one compelled
>to act (which would be the subject of {qaw}) was a surprise,
>but still didn't violate any existing grammar. It is truly
>a mystery to me why this canon sentence has been so thoroughly
>discounted for so long.

jIQochbe'. motlh Hol mIwmey meqlu'chu'be'qu'. Say'nISbe' -moH mojaq lo'.
chaq moHaq qIgh 'agh -moH lo'. chaq mu'tlheghDaq jaS wot wanI' jeSwI'mey
patlh choH lo'vetlh. ghu'vam pabchugh tlhIngan Hol, latlh Holmey
qellu'taHvIS je, vaj motlhqu'bej tlhIngan Hol. lo'vetlh luparlaw' neH
tlhIngan Hol HaDwI'pu'. qech parchugh vay', 'oH choHlu' 'e' loS ghaH.
cha'ben tlhIngan Hol vIHaDqa'DI', 'op pab'ay'mey'e' vIparpu'bogh ngugh jaS
vIlajlaH. vIchenmoHbe' jIH. chuchpuHHol vIchenmoHbe'ba'mo' je, 'ay'Daj
choHlu' not vIneH. HolDujlIj yIghuS, HollaHlIj yIHoSmoH.

Su', qay' -moH mojaq, latlh mojaqmey je, qen HolQeD QonoS navDaq 'e'
vInuDba'. chu'be'chu' -moH boqbogh mu''e', 'ach mu' chu' Da. wanI' pIm
Delmo' wot mojbogh, jeSwI'mey DIp patlh choHnIS je pabmIwvam. toH, peqIm,
"teach" qech 'oSchugh tlhIngan mu'qoq "flarbh", vaj DIp patlhmey
DIwIvlaHchu': "puqpu'chajvaD yInQeD vIflarbhtaH", "De'vam qaflarbh".
motlhqu' ghu'vam. reH le' -moH boqbogh mu''e', 'e' luHar luneHlaw' 'op.
le'bejbe'. toH, ben law', "pong" lo'na' wISovpa', "-vaD" lo' lumuStaH 'op.
DaH napqu' pabmIwvetlh 'ej qItqu'be' latlh mIw. vaj "ghojmoH" wotvaD "-vaD"
mojaq wItlhejmoH 'e' vItungHa'. {{:)

Andrew Strader

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