tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Aug 03 15:24:58 2003

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Re: KLBC: The years sometimes teach us what the days never know.

SuStel jangtaHvIS qon ter'eS:
>included the entry to facilitate finding the word, but that says
>nothing about what happens to the object of a transitive verb when
>{-moH} is added or where the previous transitive subject ends up. 

Indeed, we are given no guidelines on how to interpret transitive verbs with
-moH. In fact, we don't even have data to indicate whether or not -moH has a
consistent effect on the place structure of transitive verbs. (In theory
this is because the -moH suffix is a lexical derivation rather than a
grammatical operation). I address this issue at length in the June 2002
edition of HolQeD. I realize that this is a very foggy issue with strong
opinions all around, so if you believe there are grounds for making (or
refraining from making) further conclusions about ghojmoH etc., I encourage
you to take it up in a journal submission.

Andrew Strader

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