tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 26 23:35:40 2002

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Re: Help with a short beginner's class in Klingon?

I know you have had advice already and its probably the best way to go, but
you could just use the CK as a reference, and remember that people will
probably only remember one thing from an hour long course like that.  Maybe
you need to pick an example sentence and analyse it., and use that to
explain how the language works, and then throw in a couple of other small
easy to learn words like nuqneH, and HIja' ghobe'....

Amateur teacher, (not of Klingon tho.)

PS. nuqneH is always a good one humour-wise...and leads to optional
discussion of thlIngan values...

PPS. Can anyone tell me what the other phrase is I'm thinking of.. it's a
tourist joke thing and it means 'please kill me' or something...and where is
that from...

----- Original Message -----
From: "Zrajm C Akfohg" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, May 26, 2002 1:45 PM
Subject: Help with a short beginner's class in Klingon?

> I have been confronted with the challenge to produce a small course in
> Klingon. I'll approximately one and a half hour to teach a class of maybe
> 10 persons something about the language, at a small Science Fiction
> convention. Theses people presumably know nothing about the language, and
> I would like to give them the impression that they've stumbled across
> something fun (which they have!)
> Has anyone here hosted a similar course? I'm interested in experiences,
> and opionions as well as suggestions for excercises, and tricks to aid
> memory and learning. (How do you get people to learn words in that
> short a time? Games? Word lists?)
> Currently I'm thinking along the lines of using "The Four
> Ideals" (accuracy, straightforwardness, aggressiveness and strength) as a
> fundament for the course. I'd also like to mix in some proverbs, idioms
> etc., to show some of the richness of the language. I would also like to
> give the participants a list of phrases that can be combined in several
> ways to produce a simple dialogue.
> The course will be held on June 30 and possibly also June 31 (depending on
> interest) in Stockholm.
> All suggestions and opinons are very welcome. (Even opinions on what
> topics such a course should [or could] cover - the standard greeting
> scenarion obviously doesn't apply - what should I use instead?)
> I've read something about a similar course (though longer) that is
> to be tought at the next qep'a' - who has produced that course?
> /maHvatlh
> Klingonska Akademien, Uppsala

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