tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat May 25 18:56:05 2002

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RE: is there a TKD in spanish?

From: Quvar valer [mailto:[email protected]] 
>Hay un TKD en espaņol?
>I'm in contact with somebody from spain who likes to know that.

wejlogh tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom mughlu'ta'.  *German* Hol, *Portuguese*
Hol, *Italian* Hol je mughbogh tlhIngan Hol mu'ghommey'e' tu'lu'.  'ach
*Spanish* Hol mughbogh tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom'e' tu'be'lu'.  chaq
*Portuguese* Hol mughbogh tlhIngan Hol mu'ghom'e' lo'laH  juplI',
*Portuguese* Hol *Galician* Hol joq yajchugh.

Hay tres traducciones del diccionario de la lengua Klingon.  Hay
traducciones para Aleman, Portugues, e Italiano.  Pero no hay una
traduccion castellano.  Si tu amigo entiende Portugues o Gallego, quizas
puede usar la traduccion portugues.


P.S. Is there any way to say that something is "in" a particular
language?  I was considering telling Quvar that if his friend had any
questions he wanted to ask "in Spanish", I'd be happy to help.  In
Klingon, language names work well as noun-noun style adjectives and as
direct objects, but I couldn't figure out how to translate it as the
object of a preposition.  What do y'all suggest to translate the
"He asked me a question in Federation Standard."

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