tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun May 05 08:55:15 2002

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Re: tlhIngan-Hol Digest 5

In reference to the couple of SPAM messages that the list has
received, One solution is to go to a "subscription by invitation"
list. If anyone can just sign up by sending a command to Majordomo,
then SPAMmers can, too. But, If a person has to read a message that
says "I want to join your Klingon list", and manually add that person
to the list, SPAM will be filtered.

In addition, people like me who have been sending UNSUBSCRIBE messages
to the system for some time because of an impending address change
will actually have my request heard and acted upon.

I'd love to go to the qep'a' but the expense is holding me back. My
county has re-assessed my property at 175% of it's actual value and
it's doubled my mortgage payments. And with the focus on beginners,
this was the one I really should have gone to.


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