tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 05 16:35:38 2002

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[Fwd: -bogh]

*newsgroup*Daq So'law''egh QInmeywIj.  I've re-posted this in the
newsgroup but I still don't think you're seeing it.  Maybe I'm being
filtered for some reason.  I hate my ISP's new news server.  I have to
see that stupid motto of their's on every post I send.  That ticks me
off.  No one else has a stupid motto on all their posts.   Ok, enough of
my whining.  Moving on.....


On page 63 of TKD it says compare the following:

qIppu'bogh yaS   -   officer who hit him

This I understand.   It's the translation of the next one that has me

yaS qIppu'bogh   -  officer whom he hit

This makes it sound like it's still the officer we're talking about.
But what if I was talking about the "he" who hit the officer?  What if I
wanted to say, "He who hit the officer fled?"

Haw'pu' yaS qIppu'bogh.

But then if I wanted to say, "The officer whom he hit fled", it would be
the same sentence?

Haw'pu' yaS qIppu'bogh.

Does adding a pronoun change things?

Haw'pu' yaS qIppu'bogh ghaH.

Hmmmm....maybe I just answered my own question.  Tell me if I'm
understanding right.  The reason that this sentence  *Haw'pu' yaS
qIppu'bogh*  is translated as *The officer whom he hit fled* is because
*yaS* is the only explicit noun while *ghaH* is merely implied.
However, if the implied *ghaH* is added to the sentence then it becomes
the head noun.  Implied nouns in Klingon don't count?

But it goes on to say (pg 63 -  64),  "In the second phrase, yaS is the
object".  But it doesn't matter if it's the object or not because *yaS*
is the head noun so that's who we're talking about?  Is that right?



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