tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 30 11:19:11 2002

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roomate for qep'a'

I've been a tlhIngan Hol novice for many years now and, I admit, I've been held back by a simple lack of language affinity. What I need is a class in tlhIngan Hol. Lawrence has been twisting my arm each time we have run into one another to get me to go to the qep'a' but, as a novice, I have been reluctant. But now this year's qep'a' is focusing on beginners like myself and I want to go. But, my reluctance now is based on the hotel cost.

So, if I can arrange for a roommate (or preferably two) I would be able to handle to cost and go. I've harassed my loal crew and have had no success. Any non-smokers on the list looking for a roommate for the qep'a'???


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