tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 29 14:13:30 2002

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Re: Klingonaase vs. tlhIngan Hol

: In addition, there was a smattering of expletives and vulgarities.  Plus,
: significantly, the "-aase" suffix:  "tool for manipulating".  That was
: featured in the explanation of what "Klingonaase" actually means ("tool for
: manipulating the embodiment of the Klin principle", or something like
: that).  It's also apparently related to the word "kaase", meaning "hand".
: >Most experienced Klingonists recognize Fordisms, and they are held
: >in higher regard than ParHol.  There are a few in Hamlet, even.

Do you have the citations?  I skimmed through Hamlet last night and couldn't
find anything in klingonaase, other than a couple of ta' Hol references to {yo'

I've always thought that using klingonaase discretely would be a good way to
render Shakespeare's occasional bits of Latin, Italian, French, etc.  If asked,
Ford might even be persuaded to translate a few phrases for the KLI's
Shakespeare Restoration Project on an ad hoc basis.
: There are one or two in Paramount canon as well.  The Black Fleet is a
: piece of Ford's Klingon culture.

On a couple of occasions Gen. Martok was heard to exclaim - alas, in English -
"By the hand of Kahless!" during the final year of DS9.  This is one of Ford's
favorite oaths from _The Final Reflection_ *Kahlesste kaase*, referring to the
story of the Emperor Kahless, who died with his hand tied to the controls of
his ship in a legendary battle against Romulans.  

A nice "hommage" - as they say in show business - by someone on the
much-maligned Paramount writing staff.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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