tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Aug 30 21:44:54 2002

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Re: two different types of object

> > Another question is:  What is the order of pronouns in Klingon?  Different
> > languages don't always follow the same order.  Is it properly {qorDu'wIj
> > jIH je} "my family and I/me" (i.e. 3rd person, 2nd person, 1st person - as
> > in English) or {jIH qorDu'wIj je} "I/me and my family" (i.e. 1st person,
> > 2nd person, 3rd person), or something else entirely?

>I seem to remember that there was exactly one example of a pronoun conjoined
>with another word; naturally I can't think of what that example is.
>However, I do remember that the example gave /jIH/ first.

I think I found it, in a post from Okrand on st.klingon (9/97):

    If Kahlor is speaking, he could say, "I am of the House of Molor"
    {matay' jIH molor tuq je}. Or if one were speaking to Kahlor,
    one could say, "You are of the House of Molor" {Sutay' SoH molor
    tuq je}. Literally, these are "The House of Molor and I are
    together" [and] "The House of Molor and you are together." The
    independent pronouns ({jIH} "I" and {SoH} "you" in the examples
    above) are always used in this construction.

{jIH molor tuq je} "I and the House of Molor" = 1st person pronoun + 3rd 
person noun

{SoH molor tuq je} "you and the House of Molor" = 2st person pronoun + 3rd 
person noun

I also found this from SkyBox S26:

    woQ luSuqmeH jIjpu' chaH romuluSngan'e' je.
    [the sisters are] going as far as to work with Romulan factions
     in order to gain power. S26

{chaH romuluSngan je} "they and the Romulan(s)" = 3rd person pronoun + 3rd 
person noun

I couldn't find any examples using pronouns with {ghap} "either/or" and 
{joq} "and/or".

So based on these two (!) examples, the order might be:

   1) 1st person, 2nd person, 3rd person


   2) pronouns precede nouns

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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