tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 06 09:16:57 2001

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*Dorn* mu'mey...

I suspect Mr. Dorn's comments illustrate more about his ignorance, not 
of only of Star Trek Fandom, but also the nature of language 
enthusiasts, and hobbyists in general.

Hoch jajmey  *Bible* paq vIlaD.  qatlh?  paqvamDaq yInwIj He' vItu'.

I read a lot of books ( - one of them happens 
to be the Bible, and yeah, I do read it every day.  I don't say that to 
pretend to some kind of sanctity (more that I aspire to it), but to say 
this is a book I really, REALLY care about.  It is pretty natural, if 
one has a convergence of interests in a language and a some particular 
book  that you'd be interested in translations of said book into that 
language.  My daughter has read the Harry Potter books multiple times, 
and is quite good at Spanish - guess what?  She's gone and bought 
Spanish translations of the Potter books, and read them.  Makes sense - 
unless you've got a rigidly compartmentalized brain, it is the most 
natural thing in the world to connect your hobbies and interests to each 

Hmm  -  now there's a translation project for someone :

    "'oghwaS 'ampaS" anyone?

   *** Joel Anderson * *****
   **   QI'tu' Holmey ghot Holmey je vIlo'chugh,   **
   **'ach parmaq  vIghajbe'chugh, vaj jIchuSchoHqu'**
         ** qatlh tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhbe'?  **
           ** Why NOT say it in Klingon?**

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