tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Oct 28 15:26:33 2001

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RE: KLBC: ghIj

> > ngugh mevta' bIlbo.  Dochvamvo' jaHtaHghach yoH law' Hoch
> > ta'meyDaj yoH puS.
> >   ghIq qaS Dochmey Dun, 'ach bIH ram law' Dochvam ram puS.  'ochDaq 
> > loSbogh Qob'a' leghpa' may'na' Suvpu'.
> >
> > It was as at this point that Bilbo stopped.  Going on from there was the
> > bravest thing he ever did.  The tremendous things that happened 
> > were as nothing compared to it.  He fought the real battle in the tunnel
> > alone, before he ever saw the vast danger that lay in wait.
>ngugh - "It was at this point that ..."
>What point in time was that?

This piece picks up shortly after Bilbo has entered the tunnel - I realize 
that it is missing some context, but since it is part of a larger work, and 
since the English I quoted is also missing the context, I didn't think it 
would be necessary to explicitly state it.  (I was trying to get the sense 
of the section I quoted in English.)

>What/who is being brave?  Is the {action of going} brave?  It is Bilbo that
>is brave.  Same with ta'meyDaj.  "Going on from there...", is this physical
>or temporal?
>If physical, Dochvamvo' jaHtaHvIS ghaH yoH law' ...

So an action can't be brave in Klingon?  That is, {ram} applies only to 
beings that use language and I couldn't say something like {ram worIv 
ta'mey}/"Worf's deeds were brave"?  If that is the case, would I have to 
recast it and say something like {yoHwI' Da worIv}/"Worf behaved like a 
brave person"?

>I'm not familiar with the big picture here so I'm not sure what vocabulary
>could help here, but we a noun "event, occurrence, phenomenon" - wanI'
> > I wasn't sure about the {-pu'} on {Suv} at the end, but I thought it was
> > probably necessary, as {ghIq} in the previous sentence changed the
> > time-stamp, and I wanted to be clear that this happened before
> > the events of the other sentence.
>The -pu' seems ok, but the 'ochDaq and nIteb are attached to the <loSbogh
>Qob'a' leghpa'>

So, {loSbogh Qob'a' leghpa' 'ochDaq nIteb may'na' Suvpu'} ?

> > Also, if I want to say, "in ancient times", can I use {-Daq}, or does 
> > refer to strictly physical location?
>-Daq is physical.
>If the act is "during" a time period, in TKD we have "Four thousand throats
>may be cut in one night by a running man."  Note that the english says "in
>one night", but this "in" is not -Daq.  The klingon is <qaStaHvIS wa' ram
>loS SaD Hugh SIjlaH qetbogh loD> - "While one night occurs..."
>That's if it occurs "during" a time period; not quite the same as a normal
> > Since I don't know how to say 'times'
> > in that sense ({poH} doesn't seem right, but it was the nearest thing I
> > could find), I have to use 'days'.  Can I say {jajmey tIQDaq}?  If 
> > not permissible, then I would next have to guess {ben law'qu'} or 
> > {vatlh law' ben}.  Are any of these constructions permissible?
>Klingons may be inaccurate, but they never approximate.  Pick a time when 
>happened.  cha' SaD ben...

So it's okay to make up an amount of time when the actual amount of time is 
unknown, in order to avoid being approximate?  Or can I be so approximate as 
to say {SaDmey ben} or {vatlhmey ben}?  (I lose the {law'} this way, but I 
can live with that.)

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