tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Oct 25 09:43:08 2001

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Re: Klingon WOTD: yaj (v)

: Klingon word:   yaj
: Part of Speech: verb
: Definition:     understand

As used in canon:

  I understand TKD
"... can be used when the speaker understands things in general, 
knows what is going on, or understands what another speaker has 
just said. It cannot, however, be used for understanding a 
language or understanding a person." (TKD 33f)

  I don't understand. TKD

  I understand clearly. TKD

  Understood clearly. (Clipped) TKD

  Does he understand? TKD

  [Is that] Understood?) (Clipped) TKD 

  Understood. ST3

  baHwI', DoS yIbuS. QuQ neH. yaj'a'? 
  Gunner: Target engine only - Understood? ST3

  yajchu' qaH.
  Understood clearly, sir. ST3 

  ghu'maj Dayajbe'law' Sa'. 
  [You don't seem to grasp our situation, General.] ST6 (novel)

  HIDjolev Dayaj'a'? 
  Do you understand the menu? CK 

  Do you understand? PK 

  yIn DayajmeH 'oy' yISIQ 
  To understand life, endure pain. TKW 

  Dajatlhbogh vIyajbe' 
  I find no match for what you have just said. KCD 

  jaghpu' mo' wIyajnIS 
  We must understand the enemies' motive. (slang) KGT

Cf. also {yajHa'} "misinterpret, misunderstand":

  jIyajHa'. chay' jura'?
  [I don't understand. What are your orders?] ST3 (untranslated)

Related verbs include {Hon} "doubt", {SIv} "wonder", {Sov} "know", {Qub}
"think" and {tlhoj} "realize". 

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons

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