tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 17 02:53:50 2001

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RE: KLBC: tlhIngan Hol jatlhbogh

> (Klingon which one speaks, spoken Klingon)

A couple times you use the word "one" in "one speaks".
To put this in the klingon you would use the verb suffix -lu'.
tlhIngan Hol jatlhlu'bogh - Klingon which is spoken.
TKD p38-39

> tlhIngan Hol vIghitlh 'e' vIghoj.
> (I write Klingon. I learn it.
> I am learning to write Klingon)
> tlhIngan Hol vIlaD 'e' vIghoj.
> (I read Klingon.  I learn it.
> I am learning to read Klingon)

'e' is a pronoun which refers to the previous sentence.
tlhIngan Hol vIlaD 'e' vIghoj - I learn that I read klingon
Sounds like you have multiple personality and you found out that the -other
you- was reading some klingon.

tlhIngan Hol laDmeH mIw vIghoj - I learn the procedures for reading klingon.

> tlhIngan Hol jatlh 'e' vIjaylaHbe'.
> (One speaks Klingon.  I can't understand it.
> I don't understand spoken Klingon.)

(understand is yaj)
tlhIngan Hol jatlhlu'bogh  vIyajbe'
I don't understand klingon which is spoken.

> tlhIngan Hol vIjatlhlaHbe'.
> (I can't speak Klingon.)

This is correct

> 'e' vIghoj 'e' vIneH.
> (I learn it [speaking and understanding Klingon].  I want it.
> I want to learn how.)

'e' doesn't go with neH.  An exception thru some unknown evolution lost in

You could saw:
tlhIngan Hol jatlhmeH mIw  vIghoj vIneH
I want to learn the procedures for speaking klingon

Or you could just say:
tlhIngan Hol vIjatlh vIneH
I want to speak klingon

This last one doesn't necessarily say that you need to learn it first.
Those of us that have already learned how to speak it would say "I want to
speak klingon" and then go sign up for the annual qep'a' to quench that

> chay' vIghoj?
> (How I learn?
> How can I learn?)

yIqeq, yIqeq, yIqeq - practice, practice, practice.
You will learn a lot right here on this list. (writing)
In July is the KLI's annual qep'a'. (speaking/hearing)
And, where do you live?  Chances are small, but it is possible that you
might be near another member.

> qech DaSovchugh jIHvad yIja'.
> (If you know ideas, to me you tell them.
> Tell me any ideas you have).

Be careful with spelling.  Upper-case D.
At the top there was a mis-case I also.

> Is it permissible to use 'e' like that?

Remember that 'e' refers to the whole previous sentence.

> I struggled for a while with "Tell me any ideas you have" and finally
> settled on that recasting.  Does it make sense?

Yes.  That one is good.  There are a few ways to say that.

> I wasn't sure about have
> vs. know, and finally settled on know because it didn't seem like ideas
> would be something one "possessed".  Should I have used the verb for have?

If I remember correctly, somewhere we have canon about having fault.  I
personally try to keep [ghaj](have) as physical possession.
Another way you could say it is:  qechlIj HIja' - tell me your ideas.

> Is there a way to combine the first two sentences -- "I am learning to
> read and write Klingon" -- so that they aren't so repetitive?

tlhIngan Hol laDmeH mIw  ghItlhmeH mIw je vIghojtaH

Or you could say:  tlhIngan Hol vIghojtaH

DloraH, BG

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