tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 23 05:52:17 2001

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ghur Hoch, 'ach jImImta'. DaH jImImlaHbe'taH.

I've been very proud of the fact that the KLI has managed to maintain the
same membership rates from the day we started. That's nine long years
folks, a span of time in which we've seen postage rates increase at least
four times (I admit to losing count) and paper costs more than double.
Despite the costs increasing, we've improved the quality of HolQeD as well.

Our numbers have been dwindling, but sales on the website have allowed us
to hold to the same annual price for membership. So, we've balanced, more
or less, and that's not bad.

However, our printer just hit us with a huge increase, unable to hold back
any longer, and coupled with the big jump in foreign postage rates (and the
elimination of the airmail-printed matter classification) we're simply
going to have to pass the increases on to the membership.

At this point I don't know how much more it will be. I hope it will be low.
Certainly if we can turn the membership numbers around things will be
easier (hint: encourage your friends and colleages to join the KLI).
Certainly we'll honor all current memberships through their subscription
dates. If you've been thinking about renewing early, or giving a gift
membership to someone, now is the time.

I expect to work out the necessary rate increase after the March issue
ships. It will go into effect some time in the latter half of April. Any
renewals or new memberships received before that time will be at the
current rate. Anything received after that time will be a little bit more.

Thank you for your continued support of the KLI,


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