tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 02 18:29:54 2001

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RE: KLBC: first post

Welcome to the list, ghItlhwI'! I'm taD, the current Beginner's Grammarian.
It's my job to help beginners here with Klingon. You can add the letters
to your subject line whenever you want me to check your work, or if you have
a question about how to say something in Klingon. If you're a little unsure
whether you said something properly in Klingon, you can also include what
you were trying to say, in English. This will make it easier for me to make
sure that you say what you are trying to say.

ghItlhwI' said:

> ghItlhwI' 'oH pongwIj'e'.
maj. Note that {ghItlh} means "mark, incise, engrave, write", and refers to
the physical process of marking on something (such as paper). So {ghItlhwI'}
could actually mean "stylus" or "one who writes (on something)". If you want
to refer to a "writer" as someone who composes a story, you could use
{qonwI'} ("one who records/composes").

> jImogh pab Hujmo'.
If this is "I am frustrated because of the strange grammar", then {pab
Hujmo'} should go at the beginning of the sentence. On page 60 of TKD, it
says that if a noun is neither a subject nor object, it goes at the
beginning of the sentence. In this case, {pab} ("grammar") isn't acting as
the subject or the object.

If you mean "I am frustrated because the grammar is strange", then {pab} is
the subject of the verb {Huj} ("be strange"). So the order should be
{...Hujmo' pab}.

> qub pabwIj.
This means "My grammar is rare." I'm not sure I understand what you mean by
this. Do you mean something like {motlhbe' pab} ("The grammar is unusual")?

> choyajlaH'a' ?
This is good. Note that you're talking to more than one person in this case,
so the prefix that you want to use is not {cho-} ("you - me"). Instead, you
want to use {tu-} ("you (plural) - me").

For a first post, your Klingon here is good. majQa'.

> I read on the FAQ that grammer isn't really supposed to be corrected in
> KLBC, but I would like to know if whoever reads this can understand any of
> it. If you can, please let me know where any mistakes are. (This is the
> first time I've actually tried to write more than a couple of words in
> Klingon, and the grammer has been almost impossible for me to figure out.)
When it says that grammar shouldn't be corrected in KLBC messages, what the
FAQ actually means is that everyone on the list shouldn't try to correct
other beginners' grammar at once. Rather than having everyone try to correct
your grammar, the Beginner's Grammarian checks your message and answers
questions about grammar before anyone else responds. This way, everyone
won't be giving you different answers to the same question.
If you aren't commenting on the grammar, but on the actual content of the
message, then it's ok to respond to a KLBC message. If you want to comment
on the grammar of a KLBC message, then you should wait until the Beginner's
Grammarian has commented on it.

> Also, I saw the word   vIghro'  in a post and couldn't find it in the KD.
> What does it mean?
As DloraH said, {vIghro'} is a type of animal, similar to a cat. Apparently
the word is also a hidden pun - (The name of the cat in the Disney movie
Pinocchio was named Figaro).
In addition to TKD, Klingon for the Galactic Traveler (KGT) has a lot of new
vocabulary and other information about Klingon. TKD, KGT, and the new words
list at /tlh/newwords.html are the main sources of

- taD
AIM: Tad Stauffer
ICQ #:    7622618

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