tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 04 14:03:38 2001

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RE: A little Poetry


>>>juH vIyItlaHbe'. jIleghchu'be'. SoHpu' vIleghlaH.


>> I tried pluralizing {SoH} once in what I thought was an appropriate
>> context, addressing the comment to someone who I'd expect to have
>> understood it.  She didn't understand it, perhaps because {SoHpu'}
>> wants very much to be interpreted as a "to be" verb having a 
>> perfective suffix.

> But in this sentence the pronoun is placed in a noun position; 
> there is already a verb in the sentence.  (It is certainly 
> unusual usage tho.)

>> {SoHmey} seems somehow more appropriate for your example anyway. :-)

> But they are most likely not scattered about.  All of him would 
> probably be close together, next to each other.

As much as I enjoy clever wordplay, I just can't rationalize this. <SoHpu'
vIleghlaH>, even in this context, sounds like an extremely drunk or confused
foreigner. One problem is that, unlike English, <SoH> already has a plural -
<tlhIH>. I realize that you're going for something different, but the
existence of <tlhIH> makes plurals on pronouns very marked, and since <-pu'>
is also a verb suffix as well, it's just too weird. There's also the issue
of the prefix, which I think has to be <qa->. That makes the plural suffix
sound even weirder, since I would half expect <Sa-> instead of <qa->.

<cha' SoH qalegh> might work. It also has the prefix problem, but it doesn't
seem so bad. <cha'logh qalegh> is even better.


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