tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Dec 26 12:07:51 2001

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Re: fem warrior

> In physics they try to come up with a universal law that works with
> everything.  Samething here; instead of treating N-N as two possible
> I use one rule.
> N1 N2 - of all the N2's out there, this is one that has to do with N1.

I thought I already did this.  Noun-noun is genitive.

genitive --adj. 1. (in some inflective languages) denoting the case of nouns
generally used to modify other nouns, often indicating possession, but used
also in expressions of measure, origin, characteristic: Examples: JOHN'S
hat, MAN'S fate, WEEK'S vacation, DUTY'S call.  2. denoting the affix or
other element characteristic of this case, or a word containing such an
element.  3. similar to such a case form in function or meaning.  --n. the
genitive case.  5. a word in that case.  6. a construction of similar

(The American College Dictionary, 1966 printing)

See d'Armond's discussion of this in HolQeD: 3:3/6-9, 3:4/12,17-19.

Stardate 1986.9

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