tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 28 06:30:21 2000

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Re: obtuse question

jatlh ghunchu'wI':
> I thought of {ben loDnal} too.  I don't think it does a good enough job of
> implying the "ex" idea, though, which is why I didn't suggest it.

Sometimes when someone refers to their "Ex," they do so in a contemptuous
manner.  In such a case, /ben loDnal/ and /ben be'nal/ wouldn't be enough.
Sometimes an "Ex" is referred to as someone whom you are no longer married
to, but on friendly terms with.  In this case /ben loDnal/ and /ben be'nal/
seem to be sufficient.  They no longer explicitly include the concept of a
severed connection, but in these cases it's not terribly important.

Stardate 491.6

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