tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jul 24 21:48:23 2000

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Re: Deixis and direction

>I'm sure are canon examples of this sort of conjunctions,
>though I don't wish to take the time to find them right now and I doubt that
>you doubt this, so I don't feel it is really necessary. Let me know if you

>In fact, what I doubt is that there are any examples of this in canon.  The
>only examples of multiple "header" nouns in a sentence I can think of are
>naDevvo' vaS'a'Daq majaHlaH'a'?
>qIbDaq SuvwI''e' SoH Dun law' Hoch Dun puS.
>We simply haven't seen any conjunctions in "header" nouns, whether for
>similar or dissimilar Type 5'd nouns.  If there are some I haven't
>remembered, I'd appreciate someone pointing them out.  Until then, there is
>no evidence of this anyway.

There is a canon example of *no* conjunction:

tIngvo' 'evDaq chanDaq...

I see the whole "conjunction with header nouns" thing pretty much the same
way SuStel does (surprise!) -- conjoined header nouns are connected because
of the idea they express, and not because of any "natural" affinity that
nouns having the same Type 5 suffix might have.

-- ghunchu'wI' 'utlh

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