tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jul 13 22:59:07 2000

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Wish to acquire canon text.

I was thinking... As I will be attending the {qep'a'} why not take the
chance to ask for copies of some of the more hard to come by canon
sources? If you're attending to, and have any of the following, I would
*very much* appreciate a copy of what you have, I will of course pay for 
the material used and any copying fee.

  o Star Trek Communicator Issue #104 (August-October 1995)
  o Radio Times, Star Trek 30th Anniversary issue (August 1996)
  o Hallmark Commercial (for a bird­of­prey Chrismas Tree ornament?)
  o Any (and all) of the SkyBox Trading Card featuring texts in Klingon

Simply photocopies will do quite nicely, but if you're willing to part with
any originals.. - Well I'm interested. Contact me, and we'll talk price.

Also, if there are any other examples of text written by Okrand besides the
books and any articles in HolQeD, I would really like to know about them.

/Zrajm C Akfohg

 Zrajm C Akfohg   Villav. 33, 2tr  Tel:018-500911
 [email protected]  Uppsala, Sweden  Pip:0740-145753  ICQ:16769663

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