tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 26 20:28:09 2000

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KLBC: 2 old posts again

pagh  here we go again (sorry for the redundency--I've sent this several times and I'm sure someone will get tired of this particular post) --but I included english this time
these are really old but I was still hoping for a responce

pagh , if you didn't understand this statment it might be because I ment it as a response to an insult jeyD called someone a "nuvHom QIp" (and that someone couldn't speak klingon and therefore couldn't answer for himself.). Therefore I felt this insult warented a warriors response heehee, so I insulted him back (I refered to him as a small bothersome insect--in context I thought it made sence but I guess not)
(there is no honor in insulting some small weakling anything ("there is no honor in killing a Qa'hom" ))

> pagh if you could anylize my sentence..... and jeyD this is my >warriors answer to you 
>>jatlh jeyD: <<jatlh nuvHom QIp >>
>>> How do I unsubscribe? 




>nuvHom tIch neH ghewHom 'ej lo'laHbe'ba' 'oH 'ach lo'laH 'oH 
>mup DaSwIj bing DaQ. vaj nuvHom batlh law' ghewHom  batlh puS 

jatlh pagh
:OK, I wish you had included the English here as well. I'm not quite :sure 
:what you are trying to say. 

sorry, I thought that I was at the point where you would know what I was talking about--but I guess not =] *sigh* oh well--english below

: Minor stuff first: I think you meant <bIngDaq> 
:rather than <bIng DaQ>. <bIngDaq> is "under", while <bIng DaQ> is "the 
:ponytail of the area under", which is just weird. 

 oops, you are right so I fixed that (below)

:<batlh> is not a verb - you want <quv> here. 
oops another good point fixed below
DujHoD graciously supplied a better word for crushed so I added it
this is after I read your responce so hopfully I fixed all the errors

>nuvHom tIch ghewHom neH 'ej lo'laHbe'ba' 'oH 'ach lo'laH 'oH 
>tap DaSwIj bIngDaQ. vaj nuvHom quv law' ghewHom  quv puS 
           pagh, DaH qar'a' pabwIj 
>                chavta'ngav 

(this time ill put it in english)
---> only a knat insults a small weakling humanoid and it (the bug) is --->obviously worthless but it is worth being "crushed" under my boot. --->therefore the small bug has less honor than the weakling humanoid --->does

2)I also wanted to say something with <except>  but couldn't figure out how to do it so I obviously rephrased it but how would I have said that?? <its obviously worthless except to be crushed under my boot>?--does what I said carry that meaning or is there a better way to express it?
          and below is the other old post:

and this is something posted 22 nov 99. I dont think your E-mail was working then--and besides I dont know how you handle all of the BG traffic anyway, I certainly couldn't but if you could critique it I probably still could learn from these past mistakes even though it was written a month ago and ive learned quite a bit since then)
(the first part is to show it in context, the second part are my sentences)

>>>>I plan to learn tlhIngan Hol practically overnight (in three >>>>stages) 
>>>>(perhaps reach the depth of understanding of HoD Qanqor himself 
>>>jatlh qa'ral 
>>qajunpaQDaj Ho'nISlu'bej 'ach wej qaDwI'vam SaHnISlaw' HoDma' 

( One certainly has to admire his audacity, but I don't think our captain need worry about this challenger as yet.  )

pagh--these are the sentences that I wrote in responce to qr'ral more than a month ago that I ask you to look at

>my response to him 
>bIjatlh ghaj jIH <<qajunpaQ>> 
>-->you said I show audacity 
>bIlugh 'a tlhIngan jIHqu' 'e' bIlugh bISovmoH meq 
>-->you are right but the reason you are is....I'M A KLINGON !!! 
>butlh vIghaj 'e' vISov jIH 'ej vaj tiq 
>-->I know I have dirt under my fingernails (gall) and the heart of a 
>qatlh <<qaDwI'vam>> mu' chojatlh SoH? 
>-->why did you say the word <<qaDwI'vam>>? 
>    did you mean--> *this challenge of mine*? or *this my challenge*? 
>tugh lugh vIneH jIH vaj <<qaDlI'vam>> DaHech SoH 
>-->I want to be right, so... did you intend <<qaDlI'vam>> 
                                  * this challenge of yours*? 

 the one question I have about the above sentences above are several axamples of a pronoun and a verb prefix <vISov jIH> <chojatlh SoH> <vIneH jIH> <DaHech SoH>---should I drop the pronoun since the prefix carries the meaning or should it be included 

>  paq....please criticize my sentences 
>     and qa'ral.... is that what you meant? 

as I said qa'ral answered me so I know what he meant and where I was 
making any errors in translating his statements but how were my sentences?? 


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