tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 25 21:04:59 2000

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Re: Ha'DIbaHmey (was Re: Klingon WOTD: rIHwI' (n))

jatlh ghunchu'wI':
> It has a claw that is prepared in a variety of ways.
: It's <qa'raj pach> on KGT p 94.  Do we know that this is the same
: beastie as the <Qa'raj>?

I'm sure it is.  The question is which is the correct tlhIngan Hol spelling?  

In the KGT text (p.94) we read:

  '... the claw of the *ka'raj* is prepared in a variety of ways, so
   saying that dinner will consist of {qa'raj pach} ("*ka'raj* claw")
   is not giving enough information.'
But it's spelled {Qa'raj} twice in the glossaries in the back of the book: 

  {Qa'raj}   type of animal  (n)              [p. 225]
  *ka'raj*  (type of animal) (n)   {Qa'raj}   [p. 247]

So far, 2 to 1 in favor of {Qa'raj}.  But the glossary could easily be a
case of a single typo copied to the other side by whoever did the word
processing.  I know I've replicated errors in my own notes in just this

The answer may lie in the transcription *ka'raj*.  Elsewhere in KGT (text
and glossary) and once on startrek.klingon Okrand gave us *kradge* {Qaj},
another type of Klingon animal with brownish lips.  {Qaj tlhuQ} "*kradge
tail" is a type of food also discussed on p. 94 in the text.  Okrand
usually (though not always!) transcribes {Q} as *kr* in names and
untranslated cultural terms.  Since he always used *ka'raj*, I'll guess
that he intended it to be {qa'raj}.  But until he tells us directly, we
should recognize both spellings as acceptable.

Not that we've ever seen a *ka'raj* or know anything about it except that
it is edible and has claws, like the pipius {pIpyuS}. <g>

Nice catch De'vID.  We'll have to add this one to the list of variant

: >>targh (pig)
: > This one we've seen on TV.  There are even targ "beanie babies". :)

IIRC the O'Brian girl had a stuffed targ with which she frequently played
and left lying around in scenes in the O'Brians' quarters on DS9.

Ca'Non Master of the Klingons 

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