tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 19 22:51:35 2000

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Re: Teaching Klingon

At 23:29 00-01-19 EST, T'Flar wrote:
}NO WERE NOT!!  I paid money to come to the KLBC and learn Thlingian Hol and I 
}haven't learned diddley.  Where in the name of Stovo' Kor do I go to learn 
}this flogging language.
}    If I don't hear something from the Institute soon, I will cancel my 
}membership and demand my Flogging money back!!!

Sorry to hear that you are frustrated, T'Flar.  You have found an excellent
place to learn tlhIngan Hol.  Unfortunately you only get to learn one
language without conscious effort, and you already speak English, so Klingon
will take a bit of work.

Here's how to learn Klingon.

1) Buy The Klingon Dictionary by Marc Okrand.  (There are other books, but
you can get a good start from just this one).  The KLI doesn't make any
money from this book, even if you buy it from our website (we use what would
bookstores would take as profit to pay the postage).  We tell you to buy it
simply because it is the only source for the bulk of the language.

2) Read The Klingon Dictionary.

3) Work through the dictionary concept by concept, writing and saying out
loud practice words and sentences for each concept.  Ask this list questions
about anything you don't understand.  Send us some of your practice
sentences so  you can check your understanding.

4) Practice, practice, practice.  In every spare moment and using every
technique you can think of.

I have gleefully watched many people learn Klingon on this list.  I'd like
to take credit for some of "my" students achievements, but you can never
actually teach someone something, only make it possible for them to learn.

Feel free to E-mail me if you'd like some help learning this language.
Qov 'utlh 

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