tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 18 01:16:31 2000

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KLBC: yInmeywIj ngo'

I'm a believer in reincarnation; here I've tried to describe some
of my past lives.  I'm unsure of a lot of the language I've used,
so this time I've done translations for each sentence.

cha' yInmey vIghajta' 'e' vISov.
=I know I've had two lives.  (I doubt that this is correct; I found the
concept difficult to express with the vocabulary I have.)

chaq law'ta' yInmeywIj 'ach Hoch vIqawbe'.
=Perhaps my lives have been many, but I don't remember all of them.

ben'a' *dragon* jIH.
=I was a dragon many, many years ago.

jIpuvlaH 'e' vIqawchu'.
=I clearly remember that I could fly.

jIpuvtaHvIS tlhab vItIv.
=When I was flying, I enjoyed the freedom.

yInvetlh vItIvqu'.
=I loved that life.

benHom Human jIH.
=Not that many years ago, I was a human.

yInvetlh vIqawchu'be' 'ej nI'be'.
=I don't remember it very clearly and it didn't last long.

Huch joq Sov vIghajbe' 'ej vaj nom jIHeghpu'.
=I had no money or knowledge, thus I quickly died.

DaH Human jIH.
=Now I am a human.

yInmeyvammo' vIghojlaH 'e' muQuchmoH.
=I am happy that I can learn from these lives.


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