tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Nov 21 00:00:42 1999

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Klingon Poetry for College (2nd attempt)

Let me try this again, not just cutting and pasting the text.

qen "Illiteracy" yejHaDghomwIj QonoS vIqonnIS, 'ej tlhIngan Hol vIlo'ta' 'e' vIwuq.  vuDraj HIja'.  boparHa''a'?


In Klingon:

ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH

qonta' *tu'loD *roy' puqloD

ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH
yIghojmoHchu' tIghmeychaj mojnISmo' tIghmaj
tugh qa'meHpu'ma' moj chaH

ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH
chaH poQ pIq law''e'
taHmeH quv'e' tIghmaj SovnIS
batlh yInmeH mIw DI'aghnIS
mataHmeH maH'e' tIghmaj SovnIS chaH'e'

ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH
laDmeH 'ej qonmeH mIw yI'agh
ghojwI' nIvqu' qonwI' nIvqu' joq moj chaH'e'
batlh yInmeH mIw yI'agh
DevwI' nIvqu' moj chaH'e'
QubmeH 'ej ghojmeH mIw yI'agh
puqpu'chaj ghojmoHmeH mIw yI'agh je

ghojwI'pu'lI'  tISaH
wIchenmoHbogh qo'Daq QapnISchu'
mataHmeH maSachnIS
tIghmaj puqpu' DIghojnISmoH
mataHmeH no'chaj tIghmey lughojnISmoH puqpu'ma'

tIghpu'maj ghojmoHbe'chugh maHeghbej
mavon'eghlu'pu'be' neH, 'ach Hoch qorDu'ma' je DIlon
puqpu'lI'vaD nugh tIghmey DaghojmoHbe'chugh, bIvonlu'pu'

ghojwI'pu'lI' tISaH

In DIvI' Hol:
Care about your students
by James Johnson

Care about your students
Teach them well because our ways must become theirs.
They will replace us soon.

Care about your students
The future depends on them
If honor is to survive, they must know our ways
We must show them how to live
If we are to survive, they must know our ways

Care about your students
Show them how to read and write
That they might be great scholars or poets
Show them how to be honorable
That they might be great leaders
Show them how to think and learn
That they might also show their children as well

Care about your students
They must be able to function in the world we created 
In order to survive we must expand
Our ways must be passed on to our children
In order to continue, our children must learn the ways of their ancestors

If they fail to learn our ways, we will die
We will have failed not only ourselves, but all our families.
Those who do not teach their children the ways of our society have already failed.

Care about your students.

I tried to get as close as I could when translating from the Klingon.  I took a few liberties only to make the English flow more smoothly.  If these weren't correct, please tell me so I don't repeat myself.



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