tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 02 13:45:47 1999

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Re: HolQeD and KLBC

>An object, also called a direct object, 
>the PERSON, THING, or PLACE that is being acted upon. All the objects in 
>paragraph are in all caps.

jatlh mark:
>This may have been said already (I'm behind on my email), but a nitpick:
>the "PERSON, THING, or PLACE" in the second sentence are not direct objects
>of the sentence.  They are predicate nominatives.  Where Klingon has these
>(which isn't as often as English), they seem to be treated mostly like

You are quite correct. I was simplifying somewhat to try to help malqa' 
understand the basic concept of the direct object.

- DujHoD

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